Vaughan Massey (principal)

Due to the long term effects of a stroke suffered by the principal, Vaughan Massey, in January 2022 which has left him with right sided hemiparesis and slight dysarthia, a decision was made to close the legal practice.
All current files and documents held in safe custody have been forwarded in accordance with authority and sent to Howard Robilliard at Finn Roache Lawyers, Hunter Street, Parramatta, NSW, 2150, Ph: 8297 1100. Please
direct all queries about legal matters to your nominated legal advisor or to
Finn Roache Lawyers.
Any other enquiries can be sent to Vaughan Massey by email
All current files and documents held in safe custody have been forwarded in accordance with authority and sent to Howard Robilliard at Finn Roache Lawyers, Hunter Street, Parramatta, NSW, 2150, Ph: 8297 1100. Please
direct all queries about legal matters to your nominated legal advisor or to
Finn Roache Lawyers.
Any other enquiries can be sent to Vaughan Massey by email
Contact details